The Unique Flavors of Montecillos Coffee... and where it comes from...

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What gives Montecillos Coffee it's flavor...? and for those of you who haven't tried it, what does it taste like...? Good questions both.

The flavor of coffee will differ much like two brands of wine will differ... It's about the beans first. Every varietal of coffee will possess a specific Flavor Profile...

Montecillos Coffee is sweet (more on that later) and has hints of lime (limon), orange and apricot. You won't find that in every coffee and if it doesn't possess it naturally, it can't be processed in the roast.

The pH of the soil and the soil itself in La Paz, Marcala comes into play. Montecillos grows naturally and is surrounded with plants and trees that keep the soil conditioned. This is in contrast to some producers who use the cheapest beans and grow quickly burning out the soils.

As a family operation, much knowledge is passed generation to generation about when the coffee cherries are to be harvested. There is a perfect time to harvest the cherries for sweetness and the citrus flavors of Montecillos Coffee. The Natural Processing Method used also produces a sweeter flavor of fruits and berries (thus the sweetness we mentioned above.)

Finally, the roasting process is incredibly important to the flavor of the coffee... Medium Roast coffees tend to retain the sweetness and citrus nature of our coffees... The Darker Roasts carmelize the sugars and give it a bitter-sweet flavor... very similar to bittersweet chocolate. Dark Roasts tend to be oilier too... And have distinctly more body.

We think our Dark Roasts have that deeply intense chocolate taste. And our Medium Roasts bring out the fruit you might enjoy...

As for which of these has more caffeine? We can touch on that in another blog.

Thanks for shopping Montecillos Coffee.

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